• Creating a New Hazard for your Hazard Library

  • 16 Steps
1 Click on "Hazards & Controls".

2 Click on "Add New".

3 Click "Select Hazard Icon".

4 Or you can click "Upload Icon" to upload your own icons.

5 Click on the relevant icon for your Hazard report.

6 Enter the information of your hazard, including name & description.

7 Enter your controls.

8 Enter as many controls as required , if you need to add more controls, click on the plus symbol to add more.

9 Click on "Worst Case Outcome" drop down option.

10 Select the injury outcome.

11 Click on the "Likelihood" drop down option.

12 Select the relevant "Likelihood" option.

13 Click on the "Who is at risk" drop down option.

14 Select the Person's at at Risk from the identified Hazard.

15 Once completed click the "Submit" button.

16 You should then see your Hazard is now added to your library.