Free Incident Reporting

Free Incident Reporting
Our free incident reporting software will allow you to easily and effectively complete a Near Miss Report, Incident Report and Ill Health Report. In short, this safety module is designed to help with reporting accidents and incidents at work.
Remember, if you are an employer, then be aware that the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) state that you must keep an accident book and record an over-three-day injury. There must be a sufficient record for the purposes of RIDDOR according to the HSE.
We know that when reporting a Near Miss, Ill Health, and Incident or an Accident, that many people seek an Incident Report Template, or a Near Miss Reporting Form, however, with our free incident reporting module, we've built this in for you, there really is no need to look for any incident reporting templates any more.
Our software will help to guide you effortlessly through the reporting process, and at the end, you'll get your very own PDF report, which can be downloaded or emailed for free.
What's more, you can use our online software or even our free incident reporting app which is available on iOS and Android to produce and manage all of your incident reports.
Incident Reporting & Analytics

Incident Reporting & Analytics
Our incident reporting is not just about making the report easier to produce, it's much more than that! We also allow you to benefit from the data that you're generating with in-depth analytics. For instance, you can allow your staff to upload their forms and reports from anywhere in the world and immediately view live safety statistics covering ill-Health, Near Miss, and of course Incident Reporting. At a click of a button you can view:
How many incidents?
What type of incidents?
Where are the incidents happening?
Who's involved in the incidents?
All of these reports can be filtered and tailored to meet your requirements, and of course automatically emailed to you for free too, without the need to even login.
Check Out The Actual Incident Report

Check out the actual Incident Report
Say goodbye to pen and paper, and your incident report template, and hello to the future of workplace safety!
When you complete an incident report, which remember is completely free to do, then we believe that you'll be impressed by the PDF report that's produced at the end. We've essentially formatted our own incident reporting template which is generated in subtle colours that should print well, even in black and white.
Whether you use our online safety software, or our safety App, the incident forms produced will always be in the same format. You can either try creating an incident form yourself or download a pre-existing example.

Incident Reporting Module
Every business should be logging incidents, and now with our incident reporting module you can do this for free.
Find out how you can use our online safety software or are safety app to log injuries, ill health or near misses. All you need to do is answer a few simple questions about the incident, and you’ll be presented with a neatly formatted PDF at the end.

The Best Risk Assessment App
Discover how seamless it is to create a risk assessment using your phone or computer using or risk assessment software. In this short tutorial we’ll guide you through the process.
Learn how to populate and add hazards relevant to the assessment that you will be undertaking. You can even input control measures at the click of a button. Remember, that our risk assessment module is fully customisable too.

Real Time Safety Data & Analytics
See for yourself how our real-time safety data and analytics can make reporting on safety a breeze. You’ll be able to identify the most commonly selected hazards. In addition, you’ll also be able to see the corresponding control measures, and risk scores, such as high, low, or medium.
We make it simple to filter your safety statistics by date, which means you can look back and compare specific periods over time.
Contact Us
t: 0160 427 1572
Unit 2 Houghton Hill Industries,